South Dakota is now accepting EECVI's
(Extended Equine Health Certificates)
- Health certificate is valid up to six months
- Owners have access to online account
- Automatically submitted to states of origin and destination states
Available now in the following states: AL, AR, FL, GA, ID, KS, KY, MD, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NM, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WA, WV and WY.
To be eligible to use an EECVI, the horse must have a veterinary exam, a current negative Equine Infectious Anemia test (Coggins), as well as official identification which may include a USDA approved microchip, photographs, or lifetime brand inspection card from the SD Brand Board.
Prior to Travel, the owner must:
Login to the web portal and provide horse information, origin, destination, and date of travel.
Retain the travel permit (in either paper or electronic format) issued by the system.
Assess the horse for signs of illness - if the horse has shown signs of sickness within seven days of movement, a veterinarian must clear the horse prior to interstate movement.
Examines the horse.
Confirms the identification.
Confirms a negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test. If the EIA test is not valid for at least six more months, a new EIA test can be drawn, or the system will shorten the expiration date of the EECVI to the date when the EIA test expires.
Producers or veterinarians interested in using or providing this service are encouraged to contact GVL or (515) 817-5704 and visit their website, which includes training videos and other information. Questions may also be directed to the SD State Veterinarian's office.
For Additional Information
Please Call 605.773.3321