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Current Issues

Accredited Veterinarian Information

Reportable Diseases


Equine Infectious Anemia

Johne's Disease



Official Identification

Animal Movement

  • Interstate Import Requirements
  • Intrastate
    • State regulations require that all cattle and bison over 18 months of age sold within the state for breeding purposes must be officially identified
      • Applies to all sales - public and private
      • Official ID: metal USDA tags, RFID "840" tags, registration tattoos
      • Official change of ownership reports are submitted to SDAIB by licensed and accredited veterinarians
  • Change of ownership forms
    • Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (ICVIs)
      • Federal regulations require all issued ICVI's to be forwarded to the state office in Pierre within 7 calendar days of the date of issue.
      • Copies of issued ICVI's must be maintained for two years for swine and poultry, and five years for all other livestock species.
      • Electronic ICVI's are encouraged.
      • SD eCVI fillable pdf
        • NOTE: This format is similar to a paper ICVI.
          • This form is not automatically sent to the state or origin or destination.
          • This format is not an approved electronic version that would qualify for a waiver on the import permit requirement for livestock moving into SD.
      • This fillable PDF form is available at no charge. Rquires Adobe Reader (free).
      • Certificated must be emailed by the issuing veterinarian to the State Veterinarian's office within 7 days of the inspection date - copies are not automatically sent.
      • Each veterinarian who wishes to use this option must complete the eCVI Veterinarian Agreement Form and either fax or email it to the SDAIB.
      • SD eCVI pdf Instructions
      • The USDA Interstate and Internal Certificate of Health Examination for Small Animals can be accessed here
        * This ICVI is not approved for use in many states. Always check with the state of destination before use.
        * This document is not enabled to be sent electronically. When used as an ICVI, copies must be printed out and sent to the state office within 7 calendar days of issue date.
    • EECVI Information - Extended Equine Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
    • SD Approved Tagging Sites - locations approved to officially identify animals that move interstate upon arrival at the tagging site.
Record Retention Guidelines
Documentation Type SDAIB Internal Record Retention Policy

Federal Regulations for Record Retention at Clinics

Certification of Veterinary Inspection

(Health Certificate)
5 years plus the current year 5 years (2 years for swine and poultry)
Change of Ownership 10 years

Clinic Discretion

OCV Vaccination Certificate 20 years Clinic Discretion
TB/Brucellosis test chart 10 years Clinic Discretion
EIA test chart 1 year Clinics with approved EIA labs must keep EIA test records for 24 months (VS Memo 555.16)
*Official tag distribution records 5 years plus the current year 5 years
*Official tag application records 5 years plus the current year 5 years

* Official tags include: NUES tags (metal clip tags), 15 digit 840 AIN tags, Scrapie tags, Swine premises tags


Livestock Auction Market Inspecting Veterinarian Handbook

Secure Food Supply Plans

Veterinary Medical Exam Board

USDA National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) Refrence Guide
