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Instructions for Registering a Premises

Premises registration is voluntary and free of charge. This information will be kept confidential and will only be accessed by animal health officials for disease traceback and animal health surveillance purposes.

Step 1 - Account Set Up

Business name and contact information including mailing address and phone number for your livestock business entity. This address may be different than the location (premises) where the animals are kept or handled. This address can be any officially recognized United States Postal Service address within the United States. The same account may include one or more premises operated by the same business account entity.

Step 2 - Premises Registration

A premises is the primary geographic location where livestock are kept or handled. For non-producer participants this is the location where the livestock related activity occurs. This address may be different than the business account address and must be a 911 (rural address) or physical address within South Dakota. You may register more than one premises per account if they are operated as separate entities at different locations by the same business account and animals are not commingled between the locations. Premises of a different operation type with a distinct location should register separately.

South Dakota uses the following definition of a premises: A premises is an identifiable physical location that in the judgment of the State Animal Health Official, represents a unique and describable geographic entity where activity affecting the health and/or the traceability of livestock may occur.

In the event the owner/manager of the livestock is not the owner/manager of the land the SDAIB prefers that the owner/manager of the livestock, register the account and premises. The SDAIB encourages producers to register a single premises per business account unless the multiple premises are operated as distinctly separate entities at different locations.

Many unique livestock management situations exist within our state. While land leases, grazing permits, feedlots and stables present registration challenges, through cooperation with the applicant we are able to successfully register any premises. If you have a unique situation we encourage you to call 605-773-3321 for guidance.

Certain information in your account can be modified as the situation surrounding your account and premises may change over time. We recommend that you periodically review and update your information to keep it as current as possible. Please notify the SD Animal Industry Board when any changes occur.

Use one of the following to register a premises:

1.) Print a paper application

Mail, fax or email the completed form to the SD Animal Industry Board office.
Return forms to:
South Dakota Animal Industry Board
411 South Fort Street, Pierre, SD 57501.

2.) Call the SD AIB and Register over the phone: 605-773-3321

For questions, contact Animal ID support: Phone 605-773-3321 or e-mail: